Monday, November 30, 2009

Logbook Loans - Get Your Cash Faster Than The Speed of Your Car

The Concept of Logbook Loan

Before we go in details such as advantages, the eligibility criteria, the purpose of logbook loans etc. let us understand the basic concept of it. As the name itself suggests, it is quite innovative in its character at the outset. Just imagine a loan product and that too with a logbook option. Isn't it sounding interesting? Falling under the category of secured vehicle finance, these loans require the borrower to keep the logbook with the lender and fill in the necessary details from time to time till the final repayment has been done. To be precise, the logbook is the document issued by Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), issued for the purpose of seeking loan.

Why Logbook Loan??

In the current global financial scenario, the need of logbook loans is becoming increasingly inevitable. They can be availed anywhere, anytime, and their availability within few hours makes them all the more convenient and smooth from lender's point of view. In some cases, they are sanctioned within a few minutes. There is no dearth of agencies providing this type of loan in an instant. Whats more, you can explore scores of loan providers and can even negotiate on the APR factor too. Following are the reasons, which play a major role in making them all the more popular and significant:

  • Easy availability
  • Online Access to the loan
  • Instant Cash
  • Low APRs
  • Loan available to bad creditors

Advantages of Logbook Loan

Apart from easy availability, the biggest advantage of them is that they are available to those who have been refused credit elsewhere. As more and more people are struggling with debts, bad credit rating is something that has now become the norm of the day. No one is oblivious to the fact of bad credit score or history. In such a scenario, logbook loan is an ideal solution compared to other types of loans. Apart from this, hone can use the loan for any purpose. Be it home improvements, vacation spending, enjoying holidays or even for trivial day to day needs, this type of loan act as one of the best forms of instant cash-flows. It could be the best answer to all your debt worries. In fact, you can apply for it in an instant and get the benefit in minutes.

What Are the Key Factors Which May Affect the Car Loan Interest Rates?

Although there are a lot more auto loan providers today which we can easily get some good deals from as compared to ten or twenty years ago, nevertheless there are still some crucial factors which play very important role in determining the car loan interest rates. If only these key factors are taken into consideration and adhered to, we may at least get approximately 90% confident level on the interest rate which you will be offered by the auto loan provider.

Here are some of the key criteria which you may want to keep behind your mind when it comes to car loan,

1. The type of car that you are buying - New car versus used car. Normally a used car will be charged a higher interest rate as compared to a new car. And a very used car will be charged an even higher rate if the loan is approved. In some cases, the bank or the finance institutions may not even approve the loan for a very old car.

2. The length of the loan tenure -The optimum length of car loan repayment would be 48 months, although some loan provider do offer up to seven years of loan tenure to help those who is unable to pay a higher monthly repayment amount. As the rule of thumb, the longer the loan tenure period, the higher the loan interest rates.

3. The credit status of the applicant - borrowers with better credit standing will be liable for a lower auto loan interest rate because they have been perceived to carry low risk in defaulting their auto loan payment as compared to another applicant with a low credit score. Therefore it is highly imperative for all of us to make sure we have good and healthy credit score when it comes to any loan application as it will make a lot of differences in terms of the interest rates and the policy which you will be offered for.

4. When the car model reached its "End of Life" days- when the new model for a specific automobile is about to be introduced to the public, the car dealer will try their best to clear off their current stock on any previous models to make ways for their new launch model. If you wanted to get yourself the previous model, now is the best time to so because you will be on the high side getting a good bargain.

5. In a down market - when the car industry is not doing good, then for both new and used car, the automobile dealers will try everything that they can to attract customers in order to meet their sales target. Some of the incentives which might be offered are discounts, cash incentives, free gifts, attractive interest rates offered, a low down-payment allowed etc.

6. Combine discount - if you are getting a few auto loan packages from the same loan provider for more than one vehicle, there is a high possibility that you will be entitled for a good discount from the auto company. In many occasions, the vehicles owned by different family members who lived under the same roof will tend to get their loan through the same provider to utilize this great benefit of combine auto loan discounts.

Choosing an Online Car Loan Lender

Buying a car is a dream for all of us though the whole process can leave you a bit hassled. If you do not the money to buy a car on your own, getting a car loan is a great idea. The internet is filled with lenders who are eager to finance your car. But choosing an online car loan lender is not an easy task, and the decision should be made after a lot of deliberation. Below are a few tips which will be helpful if you are in the market for a car loan lender.

1> The internet is filled with a lot of unscrupulous people. Speak to your friends, relatives and office colleagues about which online car lender they used when they bought their cars. Getting references will keep you away from possible frauds. Decide on a lender who a few of your acquaintances have used and been satisfied with the services offered.

2> Decide on a realistic amount of money you can spend monthly on your car. This will help you decide whether you should buy a new car or a used one. Find an online lender who can give you a rate of interest you can afford.

3> While shopping for a car loan, do not get swayed by the number of lenders who promise you low rates and fast approvals. And never ever disclose confidential financial information or data, your social security number, etc. as it may be misused by unscrupulous lenders for nefarious purposes.

4> If your credit history is far from perfect, choose a lender who will allow you to have a cosigner to sign the loan papers along with you. This will get you a lower rate of interest if your cosigner has a good credit history. In case you default on payments, the cosigner will be liable to pay up. Getting a cosigner is a huge responsibility and if you decide you need one, do choose someone who has the financial ability to bear the burden of your loan. Make sure that you make the cosigner aware of his liabilities and responsibilities before he signs on the dotted line.

5> Since you are shopping online, what better way to know more about a potential lender than reading reviews online itself? In case the reviews are mostly good, you can safely use the said lender. If in the reviews, a few points are constantly recurring, then you need to be careful.

6> Compare rates. That is the best thing you can do to get the best deal online. Browse and see the rates offered by different lenders. Also check to see if the lender who is offering the lowest rate is not actually increasing the loan period. This could result in your liability getting longer. Choose an online car lender who will offer you the best deal.

How to Qualify For a Car Loan During This Financial Crisis

Buying a car is definitely going to be one of the big ticket decisions of your life. A car does not come cheap and most people do not have the money to buy one outright. Getting a car loan becomes necessary. In these times of recession when the whole world is going bankrupt getting a car loan is not easy. But as we all know, tough times call for tough measures. So if you have decided that you really want a car loan, its best you start hunting for it the right way. Read the tips below and know how you can qualify for a car loan during this financial crisis.

1> Get your credit history right. If you already have a stellar credit history you need not be worried as there will be quite a few lenders who would be willing to give you a loan. In case you have bad credit, prepare to search hard for that loan. In case you are a college graduate with no credit history finding a car loan would be pretty tough in these times.

2> For people with bad credit and no credit, asking a parent or a relative to cosign with you is an excellent idea. If the cosigner has a good credit history, your rate of interest will also be lower.

3> Learn to pay bills on time. At least six months before you plan to buy a car, make sure you do not make any late or missed payment. This will reflect nicely on your credit history.

4> Buying a car at the right time of the year should be your priority. When each buck is important, choose a time when the variety of cars is the highest and the rates of interest lowest. When dealerships get new models of cars that is the right time to apply for a loan. Usually the best time you could choose is between August and November.

5> With the financial gloom looming all over the world, the sales and marketing persons are perhaps one of the worst hit. Prepare to be hit hard by them when you shop for a car loan. The lenders will be very eager to get your business whether you shop online or in a real-world situation. You should never ever bow under pressure.

6> If saving money is a priority, you can opt for a used car. Thought the rate of interest may be a bit higher than a new car, you can save a lot in total payment. But remember, you will not be able to find a loan for a car that is more than 5 years old.

7> Make sure you make a down payment of at least 5-10% of the total price of the car. This will make the lender believe that you are responsible and serious.

Which Can Be the Best Deal - New Car Loan Or Used Car Loan?

Buying a car is going to be one of the most expensive decisions of your life. Choosing one should be done after a lot of thought and deliberation. When buying the costliest car is not an option and saving money is a priority, buying a used car can be a good idea for some. If you can not decide which to buy: a new car or an old car, read on.

There are many things to keep in mind before you decide what kind of car you want, a new one or a used one. Few people can afford to buy a car without a loan, so that is something that is of utmost importance. Which can give you the best deal, a new vehicle loan or a used auto loan?

1> New car loans will always get you a lower rate of interest than a used car loan. The main reason for this is because the lender of a used car loan always fears of default payments. In case of lenders of new car loans, the price of the car is more; as such the rate of interest is lower.

2> The down payment of a used car is usually more than that of a new car of the same category.

3> The Annual Percentage Rates of a used auto loan is higher than that of a new auto loan.

4> You must know that a bad credit score will get you a higher rate of interest, right? Well, if you are in the market for a used car with bad credit, the rate of interest for your loan may just be higher. Lenders consider people with bad credit a huge risk and hence try to cover them by charging a high interest. This goes up further in case of used cars.

5> Your dream car may be too pricey for you to even consider buying it. But the same car that has been used for a year will cost you a lot less. You can have the car and yet not burn a hole in your pocket!

6> It is difficult to get financing for a car that is more than 5 years old. Getting a loan for a new car is easy.

Though buying a new car will always get you a better deal from the lenders than a used car, if money is short, buying a used car is probably a good idea. Following are a few tips you may need to get a used car loan.

1> First of all you should find out your credit score. Find out where you stand before you start looking.

2> There are many online lenders who are willing to give used car financing. Browsing online is therefore a good idea.

3> Negotiate well for as low an interest rate as possible.

4> Keep away from the middlemen. Strike a deal with the company itself. It will help you get a better deal for a

Company Voluntary Arrangement For Business Rescue

A number of companies are struggling financially in the current economic downturn with cash flow problems and mounting pressure from creditors. If it looks like you are facing insolvency, particularly where there is a large debt burden, a company voluntary arrangement (CVA) may be a good solution to turnaround your business.

Until even quite recently a number of creditors were unlikely to agree to CVA's due to having to write off debt, but recent publicity of well known companies including JJB Sports plc, Focus DIY plc and Black Leisure has made them more favourable to consider the proposal. HMRC debts such as PAYE and VAT can also be included in this solution.

The legal process of a Company Voluntary Arrangement is used to settle the business debts with the creditors of the company. The creditors agree to accept reduced payments based on what the business can afford to pay over a fixed period, normally five years. All creditors get chance to vote on the arrangement, but if 75% by value agree then all creditors are bound to the legal arrangement. When the period is over, the creditors write off any outstanding debt and the business is able to continue trading debt free. Frequently over 50% of the debt is written off.

Advantages for your Business

  • The business can continue to trade.
  • The structure of the company and employees can be retained.
  • Creditors cannot take other legal action against you.
  • Upfront capital investment is not needed (as is the case with a Pre-Pack Administration).
  • A chunk of the business debt is written off.

Advantages for the Creditors

Why would any creditor want to agree to a solution where they have to write off a significant portion of the debt!

  • Creditors get a far better return than if the company was liquidated where they are likely to get little or no return.
  • Suppliers can maintain ongoing business with the company. In these troubled times a supplier will be reluctant to lose a customer.

Getting the Company Voluntary Arrangement in place is not the end of the challenge. With historic debts reduced to manageable levels, the fortunes of the company still need to be turned around so that "history does not repeat itself". Very often some tough decisions will be required to be made, and new ideas injected in order for the CVA to be a long term success.

Clearly a Company Voluntary Arrangement is one of the Business Recovery and rescue tools that can give breathing space to get a business back on a sound footing.

How to Get a Credit Card After Bankruptcy - Help

Going bankrupt can be one of the hardest challenges you might ever have to face in life.

The worse thing is that you can get declined by lenders and banks when you try to apply for a loan that is supposed to help you get out of bankruptcy.

Despite this fact, there are still many other companies that offer their services and resources. There are a lot of them who advertise that getting a credit card after bankruptcy is the best solution.

Now, this can be tough knowing that you will be more possibly declined by them because of your poor credit history. But, of course, like all other things, there is still hope.

This has become a very profitable business recently that is why getting a credit card has become a little easier.

The first thing to do is find the best credit card. This can be done easily over the Internet with just a few clicks, you can easily compare features from different companies.

Select the one which best fit your needs and one which you can easily pay for each month so you do not go into more debts.

You should remember some important points when getting bankruptcy help. Check out how much its interest rates are and, most especially, how much the application fees cost.

You also have to make sure that the card issuer would give out reports to the three major crediting bureaus.

If you plan to repair your credit history, you have to be sure that all your efforts in paying on time do not go to a waste.

Using bankruptcy help is rather tempting. After you have gone for a few weeks or days with only a little spare cash, one cannot help fighting the temptation of buying many things which are most of the time unnecessary.

Be sure that you keep away from these situations. Remember that you applied for one to help get you out from your financial problems, not add to it.

When applying for a credit card, you also have an option between secured and unsecured credit cards. The decision is really just up to you but you have to weigh in the advantages and disadvantages before getting any type.

Explaining a Bankruptcy Discharge

When a person files for bankruptcy, he or she is attempting to be released from certain debts owed to creditors. If a debtor is granted a discharge he or she is no longer personally liable for or legally required to pay the discharged debts. This mean that creditors are prohibited from taking any further debt collection actions, such legal action or any communication including phone calls, personal visits, or letters.

A debtor will usually receive a discharge unless there is some sort of litigation that contains objection to the discharge. However, not all debts are discharged. Certain categories of debts are specifically excepted under each chapter of the Bankruptcy Code because of public policy reasons, such as if the debt was gained because of the improper behavior of the debtor. Therefore the debtor is still obligated to repay these types of debts after bankruptcy.

The debtor's right to a discharge varies depending on the type of bankruptcy filed. Under chapter 7 bankruptcy, a debtor does not have an absolute right to a discharge, and a creditor or trustee may file an objection. A court might deny a chapter 7 discharge because of:

  • Destruction or concealment of records
  • Failure to complete an educational course on personal financial management
  • Concealment or transfer of property with an intent to fraud creditors
  • Failure to provide requested documents
  • Failure to account for the loss of assets
  • Violation of a court order or an earlier discharge
  • Perjury
Under chapter 12 or chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debtor is in most cases entitled to a discharge once all payments under the bankruptcy plan are completed. Creditors may not object to a discharge under chapter 12 or chapter 13; however they may object to a repayment plan, but not if the debtor has completed the payments.

A discharge can be revoked in certain situations. A creditor or trustee may ask the court to revoke a debtor's discharge in a chapter 7 case if the debtor:

  • Fraudulently obtained the discharge
  • Committed an act of impropriety
  • Did not disclose an acquisition of property
  • Failed to explain misstatements found in documents
  • The request to revoke the discharge must be filed within one year of the discharge or before the date the case is closed.

The No Nonsense Guide to Bankruptcy Credit Cards

When it comes to getting credit, declaring bankruptcy is not the end of the world. As a matter of fact, you may start to receive a ton of credit card offers right after you've discharged your debt. Before you accept their offers, here is a few things to keep in mind:

1. The Interest Rate Will Be High

Now that you have declared bankruptcy, you will be seen as a higher risk to the credit card companies. The ads for no interest cards and rewards cards, do not apply to you. You can now expect to pay a much higher interest rate than the average consumer. On the bright side, if you are a responsible card holder and pay off your balance at the end of each and every month, it won't matter how high that interest rate is.

2. The Fees Will Be High

Again, you are seen as a liability to the credit card companies. For that reason, you will be expected to pay annual fees that can run anywhere from $30 to $75 a year. The privilege of owning a bankruptcy card will likely also come with steeper over-the-limit and late fees, too. On a positive note, you are only using bankruptcy credit cards to establish your credit. Once this is achieved, you can ditch the cards that charge high fees and switch over to companies that make better offers available to you.

3. You Probably Have To Go The Secured Card Route

Secured cards are much like the debit card you get from your bank. You set your spending limit by depositing cash into the account. A secured card is a good option for those looking for credit cards after bankruptcy because these cards are reported to the various credit bureaus. You must not forget that it is important to play nice with these credit reporting agencies because they have the power to raise your credit score.

I can not stress enough the importance of reading the fine print before you sign up for any credit card. The idea of having credit is very appealing, I'm sure, but it comes at a cost. Ironically, in order to reestablish your credit, you must find a way to put yourself into a little debt.

Trying to Find Low Cost Bankruptcy Attorneys?

After coming to a decision that they need a bankruptcy attorney, lots of folks are not certain where to begin. Used to be, you would thumb through the phone book and look all through ad after ad that listed the law firm's name with a prim photo and the region and state in which they practice. By way of the growing popularity of the internet, a lot of people now begin with an online search. However, before you begin entering "low cost bankruptcy attorney in Phoenix AZ," there might be a small number of factors you should think about.

You will receive the value of service for which you pay. The first lawyer that comes up in your exploration might very well be the cheapest lawyer in your region, however they might also not be ready or knowledgeable enough to manage your case appropriately. A lawyer who charges very little is not anticipating to do much work.

Firstly, the costs charged by bankruptcy lawyers are controlled by the bankruptcy court. Nearly all bankruptcy cases involve the same amount of effort and time. So, it only makes sense that the majority of them would charge a comparable hourly rate. Try to find a lawyer who is honest and open with you concerning the cost at the very start instead of one who waits until it's too late to inform you that you have an unexpected fee at the conclusion of your case.

Secondly, consider what's truly important. Ask yourself this: If you required open heart surgery, would you be looking for the cheapest physician? More likely, you would be in search of the best rather than the cheapest. Why would you deal with your bankruptcy any differently?

Thirdly, scrutinize what other sort of assistance your lawyer is ready to give you. Do they provide support after you file your case? There are specific errors that can be made following a bankruptcy that might leave you in a similar place as you began-or worse.

There are mistakes that you can make when in search of a suitable attorney to manage your case. There are individuals every day who go to another attorney after their first one did not handle their case properly or was not up front with them about the actual cost of their bankruptcy. You should keep this information in mind to make sure you have found the proper bankruptcy attorney for your case. Simply do the right investigation and bear the correct facts in mind and you will surely find the ideal attorney for your case.

The Low Down on Colorado's Bankruptcy Exemption Rules

In today's slow economy, more U.S. citizens than ever are faced with impossible amounts of debt - and Colorado is no exception. Many Colorado residents, faced with crippling debt, are contemplating bankruptcy. In some instances, bankruptcy is a logical choice for anyone looking for a way to start over. However, many consumers are reluctant to file bankruptcy because they fear losing important assets like their home, car, or retirement benefits. Fortunately, the State of Colorado allows residents to keep their most important possessions while relieving themselves of crippling debt.

In fact, the state of Colorado is one of the most progressive in the country when it comes to bankruptcy. This is due in large part to Colorado's relatively generous bankruptcy exemption rules. When a consumer files chapter 7 bankruptcy in Colorado, they're entitled to a series of exemptions. Exemptions are an important legal right that allow people who are filing bankruptcy to keep important assets like their car or their home.

While Colorado's exemptions are some of the most generous, all U.S. states have bankruptcy exemptions of some kind. This is because bankruptcy - which is legal the process of escaping insurmountable debt - is a constitutional right. The founders of the United States believed that every person is entitled to protection from creditors, so they were sure to include this right in the constitution. Since the U.S. has been founded, many famous people - such as Mark Twain, Walt Disney, Milton Hershey, and even former President Harry Truman - have taken advantage of the right to file bankruptcy.

First and foremost, the purpose of bankruptcy is to protect citizens from crippling, overwhelming debt. Since protection is the ultimate goal of bankruptcy, Colorado's lawmakers have defined fairly generous exemptions for residents. Specifically designed to help consumers start over, Colorado allows its residents to exempt as much as $60,000 dollars worth of home equity. This allows people to file bankruptcy and start their lives over without losing their most valuable asset (their home).

A person's home isn't the only asset that's exempted. Colorado also allows consumers to file bankruptcy without losing their vehicle. Since cars are so important in our everyday lives, it makes sense that they should be protected during bankruptcy. Colorado consumers who file bankruptcy are also allowed to keep tools that are necessary for work, retirement assets, and basic necessities such as clothing and furniture.

Colorado's bankruptcy exemption rules are designed to help consumers, but they're not some sort of pass that allows people to avoid their obligations. When a consumer files bankruptcy, any cash, second homes, or valuables they have may be taken and distributed to creditors. These valuables can include clothing, jewelry, furniture, artwork, and even family heirlooms. If you're serious about filing bankruptcy and you'd like to avoid losing your valuables, there are some strategies you can implement, but you must consult with a bankruptcy attorney to learn more about these strategies and how to implement them.

Bankruptcy isn't something that should be taken lightly, and anyone considering bankruptcy would be smart to consult with an attorney. Filing bankruptcy can be a complicated legal process. There can be a lot of preparation involved, and if mistakes are made there can be serious legal and financial ramifications. Bankruptcy lawyers are invaluable because they can help consumers avoid costly mistakes.

Bankruptcy isn't always a simple process, and it's not a trick that allows consumers to avoid obligations. However, bankruptcy is a legally guaranteed right and a great way for some consumers to get out from underneath inescapable debt. It might not be for everyone, but bankruptcy is a smart financial choice that is legally guaranteed. Colorado residents are fortunate to live in a progressive, consumer-oriented state with substantial bankruptcy exemption rules. So, if you're considering bankruptcy and you live in Colorado, your next step should be to contact a bankruptcy attorney and discuss your options.

Ten Further Financial Tips on Why Businesses Fail

Businesses in the UK struggle each year to stay afloat. Many seek help with debt, and insolvency advice.

An analysis of the reasons for business failure from callers to our help line and from those insolvency practitioners we deal with show that the main reasons can be grouped into three categories, namely, financial, management and marketing.

Further Financial reasons for business failure.

The Company bounces the ceiling of its overdraft, leading to bank concerns. It is always a good idea to keep the bank on your side. Do not force the bank to bounce your cheques. Do not use your overdraft unless you need to. A bank in a recession does not need much of an excuse to call in an overdraft, in an attempt to limit losses.

The business is unsure how much it owes and how much it is owed. This is often typical of a business in the state of financial meltdown. Every Director should always be aware of the general state of the finances of the business, as there is a legal obligation to not trade insolvently.

Final demands and writs being received. This is a consequence of poor financial management. If the company had cash it would of course pay its accounts. There is nothing wrong with holding on to cash for as long as possible, whilst ensuring your customers pay you in time, but there will come a point where the account needs paying before proceedings are issued.

Diminished cash balances. These are as a consequence of not collecting debts and paying cash out for items too early of for items not essential for the running of the business.

Bad debts. Try to make sure you know who you are doing business with, and combine this with forceful cash collection.

Poor collection of the debtor book. A poor credit controller can have a very negative impact on a business. It will lead to a lack of cash and potential failure. It may be better in an instance such as this to try to factor the debtor book.

Loss of financial backing. A backer taking out his investment, can lead to a business collapsing if new capital cannot be made good.

Personal extravagance on the part of management. Very often the cause of business failure can be the directors using the business bank account as their own personal bank account. These will need to be repaid, in the event of insolvency.

Borrowings being increased to keep the business afloat. It needs to be taken on board that a limited company is merely a shell and that the business it contains can be transferred from one company to another if required.

Extended lines of credit. The inability to pay for items on time or within the granted limits may eventually lead to legal actions which in turn could lead to a winding up petition.

Make a Fresh Beginning After Bankruptcy!

The best way to make a fresh financial start is by opting for bankruptcy. It is not a sin to go in for bankruptcy. Today, bankruptcy is looked upon as a way to make a new financial beginning. There are many options available in the loan market. All you need to do is make use of it.

There are a wide number of options available for a borrower today. Earlier availing finance was considered much difficult being a bankrupt. Now, things are different. Availing finance with bankruptcy is not very difficult today. It is not difficult for a borrower to overcome financial problems. Fresh start personal loans after bankruptcy can help a borrower with credit problems avail loans quickly. They can help you avail the required amount of money re-establish your credit rating so you can avail all the benefits that your counterpart with a good credit rating would enjoy.

There are many ways by which you can make a fresh beginning. You can opt for loans or seek advice from financial experts who can help with the financial situation. They can help rebuild your life after bankruptcy. You can follow the following steps.

• Speak to your account manager or financial advisor
• Open a savings account and deposit a set amount from each pay cheque
• Avail a fresh start loan and make your monthly payments on time
• Get yourself one or two secured credit cards requiring a deposit equal to the credit limit issued. Charge minor purchases and make minimum payments on time.

If you were to follow these simple steps, availing loans will be made easy. It doesn't matter if you had CCJs, missed payments, loan defaults, bankruptcy anymore. You can still avail loans with these problems. If you have been through a financial lurch and struggled to avail loans, you can avail loans.

You can avail fresh start personal loans that can serve your needs. You can also look online to avail such loans. This is an easy way to lookout for loans. Within minutes you can zero in on the type of loan that you would like to avail. It is certainly not difficult to make a fresh beginning now. A borrower with credit problems can avail these loans and fulfil al the needs.

Steps You Can Take to Avoid Declaring Yourself Bankrupt

Why do people get bankrupt? Why is there a need of filing bankruptcy? The most common answer to these questions is spending unwisely and unnecessarily.

People often end up in bankruptcy because they are unable to pay their debts. Hence, they find it easy to file for bankruptcy as it helps them get free of their debts by just paying a minor fee.

Some people are too much in the habit of overspending that they have filed for bankruptcy more than once. The most common reason is that people do not have any control over their spending habits; they just spend on impulse.

Unnecessary purchases put us in deep debts. People, who do not plan out a budget, and spend without considering their income, mostly end up going bankrupt. But, this is not always the case. Sometimes, people get into the situation of bankruptcy because of sudden loss of job or may be because of the medical expenses.

Still, many people find it very good to file for bankruptcy to get out of the debt. It might relieve you for the moment. But, this is not a permanent solution to your problem. This would always be shown on your credit history for at least ten years.

You would always have problems in getting a job or even applying for a loan in the future, because bankruptcy keeps up showing on your credit history for minimum ten years. So, why not look for a more permanent solution; you can avoid being haunted by this curse for your life.

There is always more than one solution to a problem. It depends on your intention and your patience to decide which one you choose among them. Other solutions may take some time to get you out of the debt. Moreover, they would be a test of your patience. So, if you are looking for a solution that can kill the problem from its roots, instead of just covering it up, you can seek for debt consolidation. But, for this, you have to change your habits and make the payments on time.

Similarly, you have an option of Individual Voluntary Arrangement. In this process, an IVA practitioner makes an arrangement between you and your creditor to ward off your interest and make monthly payments for the remaining amount of your loan.

One thing you need to be sure of is that you should be able to make the monthly payments on time. If you do it, you would be relieved of your debt eventually.

For even more permanent changes, you need to change your habits. You should learn to draft a budget and stay within it. You must learn not to spend unnecessarily. Do not buy things that you can live without for a while. Cut down on your expenses. You can move to a smaller house so you have to pay less every month. Do not buy anything on impulse; impulse buying is what gets you more in debts and never lets you get out of it. Once you get adjusted to your new routine, you would see the difference yourself.