Tuesday, June 29, 2010

homeowner loans

Financial problems can come to anyone whether you are a homeowner or living as a tenant. Unsecured homeowner loans are available for such people who have a home but want to keep it as collateral. These unsecured loans are free from terms of collateral and completely secure for an applicant. In this article, we will consider some of the pros and cons of this finance facility.

The pros

  • These credits are available for those who have home but not willing to keep it as collateral. This facility is completely secure for the borrower as lender does not reposes his property in order to get his back on time.
  • The word homeowner here depicts the financial stability and status of the borrower.
  • This facility is available from a wide range of lenders, including online lenders and high street banks. So, it offers complete freedom to the borrower to select his deal according to his requirements.
  • Depending on your monthly salary and financial condition you can easily borrow funds up to £25,000.
  • Repayment terms are normally varies from 1 to 10 years according to the financial condition of the applicant.

The cons

  • The amount in this deal is much lower than with secured loans and amount directly depend upon on the financial stability of the applicant.
  • Not only amount, the repayment period is also much shorter, so borrower need to make high monthly repayments. Sometimes due to some extra expenses, you might fail to make large payments and again bad credit comes your way.
  • For good creditors, it is really simple to find this help but with bad credits many of the lenders hesitates in offering approval.
  • Timely payments play a major role in this deal because only single late payment can ruin your financial life.

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